Harassment Helpline
If you are experiencing bullying and harassment in the workplace, please contact the CWU Harassment Helpline on FREEPHONE 0800 090 2303.
The helpline is staffed 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. There is an option to leave a message outside of office hours.
For our deaf members, we would encourage you to use SignLive to enable contact with our 0800 number. As a deaf person, you should be entitled to support via ‘Access to Work‘, if you have not already got an ‘Access to Work’ account.
Members and branch officials are encouraged to report incidents of bullying and harassment so these can be recorded on the CWU National Harassment Complaints Database and ensure victims receive the support and protection they need.
Members are advised to seek the assistance of their branch or local rep in filling out the Harassment Complaints Database (HCD) Form and to read the Harassment In The Workplace guide before completing the form.
If the HCD form is completed electronically, please email to dnoel@cwu.org.
If HCD form is printed, please post to: Equality, Education and Development, CWU HQ, 150 The Broadway, Wimbledon, SW19 1RX.
For more information, please contact the Equality, Education and Development Department on 020 8971 7238 or email equality&education@cwu.org.