UK National Careers Services
Category: Careers

The national careers service websites offer a range of free and impartial information, advice and guidance to help you with your decisions about careers, courses and work:
- National Careers Service, England
- My World Of Work, Scotland
- NI Direct Careers, Northern Ireland
- Careers Wales
As these resources are funded by the devolved governments, they are all a little different – but broadly the same.
Their websites feature tools to help you:
- Learn more about the careers that interest you
- Discover your strengths and skills
- Find the right courses and training
They have job descriptions, detailing what a job entails, the average pay, the skills required and the courses you need to get them.
Their skills assessment tools will help you to think about your skills and interests, and signpost you to suitable jobs and courses.
They also have telephone helplines and webchats available – and translation services for non-English speakers.
NB If you create an account, you can personalise and save your information.