Windrush Generation

Category: Equality, History

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On 22nd June 1948 the Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks, Essex, bringing workers and their families from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and other islands, as a response to post-war labour shortages in the UK. The course contains a collection of videos detailing their story – and the subsequent scandal around the Conservative Government’s “Hostile Environment” policy, which saw many unlawfully deported from the UK.

This course contains some third party videos publicly available online. Please notify us of any broken links.

The Story of the Windrush

The Royal Museums Greenwich studies the history of the ship that gave its name to the Windrush generation. Click here.

Windrush Stories

The Museum of London have pulled together a wide range of Windrush related resources. Click here.

National Archives: Windrush 75

The National Archives collection of government records that detail the journeys of the Windrush generation. Click here.


Windrush: BBC Documentary

The acclaimed BBC Windrush documentary is currently available on iPlayer. Hopefully as it is of significant social and historical importance it will remain on there. Click here. 

If unavailable on iPlayer, alternative (lower quality) versions are available on YouTube.

Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4

The Unwanted: The Secret Windrush Files

David Olusoga opens secret government files to show how the Windrush scandal and the ‘hostile environment’ for black British immigrants has been 70 years in the making. Click here.

The Channel 4 News Windrush Debate

On 24th April 2018, Channel 4 News hosted a debate, bringing together members of the Windrush generation, campaigners and politicians discuss the scandal. Click here.