Women In Scotland: Members Getting Active!

On 1st and 2nd February 2025 CWU Scottish women members participated in the CWU’s first Equalities and Fair Work programme. A joint project with the Scottish Region and the STUC; affording CWU women members opportunities to come together to share stories, strengthen connections, discuss common challenges and celebrate women’s activism and achievements in the trade union movement.

The event was organised by the Scottish Region and the Equality & Education Department and funded by the STUC. Attendees included senior representatives, Joyce Stevenson, Roz White and CWU women members employed by Royal Mail, PFS, BT and Virgin Media, from all over the Scottish region.

Participants took part in a variety of workshop activities, including interactive sessions, where they were given the chance to talk about issues effecting women in work and in wider society, including discussions on women’s representation in the trade union movement. The event concluded with an interactive session delivered by STUC Fair Work Project Officer, Denise Christie, who educated attendees on key issues on Fair Work, involving the Scottish government’s objectives to become a leading Fair Work nation. The weekend was a huge success with many women participants taking on branch positions for the first time and volunteering to get involved in CWU lead initiatives and campaigns.

Speaking about the event, Kate Hudson, Head of Equality, Education and Development said, “Women have always been at the heart of the trade union movement and with national data indicating there are more women members of trade unions than men, it’s fantastic to see CWU female members getting involved in our union and taking on new roles and positions for the first time. It is crucial that we bring women through our union, and it is always a great opportunity to talk to them about what the CWU has to offer in terms of education, support and the different roles that they can hold. I would like to thank the Scottish Region for the opportunity and making the event a success ”